Pilates Q & A
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a form of exercise developed by a man named Joseph Pilates. He named the method Contrology; A practice focused on developing the mind-body connection. It is a mindful movement system utilizing specialized machines to provide feedback, support and challenge to the body as needed. It’s purpose is to develop an understanding of the body and how it works most efficiently. Pilates purpose is to strengthen all movements by connecting to a powerful core.
How is Pilates different from other forms of exercise?
Movement is only a part of what makes Pilates different. There is also the component of being specific with desired muscle engagement, which muscles are are releasing in a movement and which are stretching. Unlike other exercises, movement isn't just to move, but in order to create a specific outcome. As a movement happens, we look at it as a positive or a negative based on somatic experience (questions like do you feel this muscle, using touch to see what is working properly and what isn't). Pilates also lengthens muscles, rather than shortens them, to create strength! This enables more fluid movement and much more support for joints which is why it is so beneficial for rehabilitating and preventing injury. It also promotes all ranges of motion available in the body so that what was once uncomfortable or disconnected (muscle and nerves), becomes available and strong!
I have injuries, can I still come to class or do private sessions?
Pilates is unique to where it can challenge the most athletic person and care for the most injured. It’s foundation was in the form of physical therapy. The reformers were originated from hospital beds with springs attached…to rehabilitate the injured and ill during World War I. By the 1930's Joseph Pilates brought it to America. It became the ‘go to’ fitness craze for New York dancers. Now days it has now become an integral part of every serious athletes training as well as being a ‘go to’ prescription for people after injury/surgery, or anyone looking for a safe way to workout and get results.
What are the benefits with pilates?
Pilates will help you form your mind body connection as well as train you to seewhat muscle movements are happening and when. Pilates develops core strength in a way that no other exercise can does due to that deepened understanding of the body as well as specific repertoire designed to encourage all movements from your core deep abdominal muscles. A few things it is amazing at doing are pain relief, stress relief, as well as instant satisfaction you feel accomplishing a challenging, mindful, functional, varied and fun workout!
What age is appropiate for pilates?
Our clientele have literally ranged from 12 years old to in their 90’s. People come in on crutches, casts, after another workout. There is almost no downsides for doing Pilates when taught in a Private session (having someone watch you, correct your "body habits", talk you through how to correctly do an exercise and teach you what muscles are engaging).
How often to I need to practice to see results?
Unlike most exercises, after you do a pilates workout, you more or less feel what muscles you engaged. Because your body won't be too achy, you can workout everyday if you wanted to! If this will be your only or primary form of exercise, Kreadiv Pilates recommends three times a week or more. We have some dedicated people who come in six days a week for our group classes. First starting out one or two times a week as a supplemental, cross-training benefits to the body is fantastic! Once you come into the studio and see how our programming and classes work, you will begin to feel a difference in the body after one or two sessions and after 10 sessions you will begin to see the difference in the mirror. Talk to anyone who has been doing pilates for years…their posture, longevity, performance, lean muscle tone, and overall well-being would not be close to what it is without it!
I already walk, run, lift weights, do yoga, how different is pilates from those exercises?
Pilates is there for you to facilitate all other things you love. It aids in flexibility and corrects imbalances that come from most any other form of exercise. It helps to connect a flexible Yogi or Dancer in order to not strain the joints. It helps to open the Crossfitter, football player, triathlete, or even those who are tight from walking regularly. It helps to create higher performance and mitigate negative side effects of all other forms of movement. And is also a fantastic primary form of exercise for those who are passionate about Pilates!
What type of Pilates do you teach?
STOTT PILATES® is a contemporary method of pilates backed up by modern day knowledge of exercise sciences and research. Stott provides functional movement, biomechanics, fascia engagement as well as core strength. Because of this method every movement and que is followed by the what/why/how the muscles are working.